quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2005

The Brazilian Political System

The Worker's Party (PT) is currently, by large, the richest party in Brazil. This is due to a highly effective policy of taxing their own members that are employed in the public sector, and then employing a very large amount of members on the public sector. On the last elections, its reported that they spend more money then all other 3 major parties combined. It was quite a remarkable growth overall, but fell short of a complete victory by losing key elections on major capitals.

The PSDB is much weaker than before, but still the major opposition party. They are the evil twin of the PT, or the other way around. But they are very different. One is red, and the other one is blue. Rings a bell?

The PFL is a sad, pathetic reminder that large sectors of Brazilian thought have no political representation.

The PDMB supports the government. Whatever that is.

The PRONA has some lovable nuts and is mostly a vessel for protest votes.

The PSTU is a Trotskyite (or Leninist... who cares) party that considers everyone else a bunch of dirty bourgeois dogs. Very popular on middle class universities where people drive on their imported cars to their parents beach houses to discuss the communist revolution. They hate the PT Stalinists, of course. But, then again, everyone does. Her motto is “whoever punches the card don’t vote for the employers”, which rhymes on Portuguese.

The PTB isn´t a party, but rather a lot of different people that doesn’t have any ideological or political coherence.

The PP is the PTB on steroids. For example, one of PP´s most virulently politician recently supported PT´s candidate for our most important city. As expected, it was a major defeat, since they had the combined rejection level of everyone.

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